Agile blog

Baseline Studies, Formative and Summative Evaluations, Impact Studies


Agile has vast experience in conduction program and project related studies, including and not limited to: baseline studies; formative (mid-term, mid-line) evaluations; summative (end-term, end-line) evaluations; and impact assessments. Mainly baseline is meant to establish status before project implementation, while formative is used for tweaking initial design or implementation as necessary. Summative evaluation checks whether the initial objective were realized. Impact studies on the other hand answers the question whether the goal set out by the program/project was achieved.

To answer the attribution question at the summative evaluation and impact assessment, Agile has expertise in employing rigorous experimental designs including: pure Random Control Tests (RCTs)  or Advertisement design; Quasi-Experimental designs like: Propensity Score Matching (PSM); Difference in Difference (DiD) method; Regression Discontinuity (RD) method; Use of Instrumental Variable (IVs); Hybrid methods, that is a mix of two or more methods e.g. PSM and DiD; RD and DiD; DiD and IV among others as might be deemed necessary and relevant. Agile has also expertise in the use of Pooled Time Series Cross-Sectional (PTSCS) analysis designs; Cohort Longitudinal Studies; and Tracers Studies.

To support inference making and measure targeted change, Agile conducts power calculations for sample sizes with buffer to take care of attrition at project or study design.

Agile Consulting has supported numerous organizations either to conduct all these studies; that is from baseline to end-line, two studies and in some cases only one across Africa. In several instances we have conducted such studies covering several African countries.

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Our Expertise

Agile Consulting is a consortium of professionals drawn mainly from water, environmental science, environmental economics, agriculture, health, agribusiness, economics, enterprise, program management and social development.

Who is Agile Consulting

Agile Consulting is a consortium of professionals drawn mainly from water, environmental science, environmental economics, agriculture, health, agribusiness, economics, enterprise, program management and social development.