We have the experience
53 Projects Evaluated, 59 Institutions Are Stronger, 32 Strategic Plans Developed, Conducted 13 Baseline & Scoping Studies, Strategic Partnered With 6 Institutions for Project Implementation.
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Welcome to Agile Consulting
Established in 2009, Agile Africa is one of the leading multidisciplinary consulting firms operating in Africa. Founded out of a passion to contribute to Africa's economic growth, we specialize in delivering professional advice and full implementation support to the clients working in various sectors of the economy.
Our Mission "To become the employer of choice for the best-in-class talent, and the company of choice for the most effective and prestigious institutions.
Our Vision"To create lasting value for our clients, shareholders, employees and Africa's economic landscape by offering bespoke services in our area of specialization."
Our Expertise
Established in 2009, 53 Projects Evaluated, 59 Institutions Are Stronger, 32 Strategic Plans Developed, Conducted 13 Baseline & Scoping Studies, Strategic Partnered With 6 Institutions for Project Implementation.
Management Consulting
Business Diagnostics
Strategy Development
Business Planning
Operations Management
Trade Facilitation
Organizational Development
Enterprise Development
Organizational Capacity Assessments
Organizational Governance & Leadership
Organizational Management
Market Facilitation
Project Implementation
Program Design and Management
Technical Assistance in Institutional Strengthening
Proposal Development, Project evaluation
Monitoring and Evaluation
Feasibility Studies
Meet the team
We have a pan-African team of practitioners drawn from East and Southern Africa, who together make a unique pool of proficiency that can guide your institution in creating a complete picture of where you are, would like to be, and how to get there. We help you to devise the best ways to marshal your unique capabilities and resources in order to design and implement strategy into reality. Agile Africa consultants have a track record of excellence as practitioners in their fields. Having previously experienced what they now consult on, they have perspective, empathy and deep understanding of the real challenges when it comes to institutionalizing a vision, policies, and procedures in their areas of expertise. This level of empathy in our consultants, coupled with their skills and cultural adaptability makes them ideal for improving performance in African organizations.

Ben Mwongela

Ben Mwongela
Ben Mwongela, CEO and Founder Director
Ben Mwongela (Kenyan) holds a Master of Business Administration in Entrepreneurship and Business Management from the Maastricht School of Management, the Netherlands and has been involved in the area of enterprise development and program management for well over 20 years. He is PhD fellow in Strategic Management in Moi University’s School of Economics and Business.

John N. Kinyua, MA
Development Management and Evaluation Specialist

John N. Kinyua, MA
Development Management and Evaluation Specialist
John is the Development Management and Evaluation Specialist at Agile Consulting Africa. He
holds a Master of Art in Development Management from Ruhr Universität Bochum, Germany;
and Bachelor of Science in Applied Statistics with Information Technology from Maseno
University Kenya. Currently, John is a PhD in Development Studies candidate at Jomo Kenyatta
University of Agriculture, Science and Technology, Kenya.
He has proven expertise background in design and implementation of experimental research
designs; design of Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) systems; vast
data management and analysis skills; and extensive experience and a track record in field
supervision, data collection, analysis and inference making.
He worked as Head of Monitoring and Evaluation at Equity Group Foundation (EGF) where he
was in charge of 6 national programs. Part of these programs included: Financial Knowledge for
Africa (FiKA) and Entrepreneurship Training Program (ETP) both of which sought to expand
financial access to small and micro enterprises. At EGF John designed and successfully
implemented quasi experimental designs using pipeline method. While working with OECD in
Paris France, he conducted impact evaluation of PARIS21’s NSDS program using Pooled Time-
Series Cross-Sectional (PTSCS) analysis design. These are all in addition to numerous need
assessments, baseline surveys, formative and summative evaluations both nationally and
internationally that John has conducted.
His consulting experience includes; Eastern Africa Grain Council (EAGC) in partnership with
Global Communities for a five-year Agribusiness Investment for Market Stimulation (AIMS) in
Kenya, Tanzania and Malawi: Farm Africa’s Sorghum and green grams value chain development
project: Farm Africa’s outcome mapping evaluation exercise: World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)
Kenya in conducting baseline study for the Evergreen Project that covered Kenya, Tanzania and
Malawi. He also supported development of the ICRAF partnership database for the partnership
directorate. He also conducted several studies with CONGRI Nyumbani Kenya, among other
John has extensive working knowledge and vast experience using: SPSS, STATA, R-Programming,
Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, in quantitative analysis. He also has a working knowledge of
MaxQDA for qualitative analysis as well as tallying method and thematic analysis using Excel.

Felix Kanungwe Kalaba
Associate Director, Southern Africa

Felix Kanungwe Kalaba
Associate Director, Southern Africa
Dr. Kabala, (Zambian) national holds a PhD in Environmental Science from the Leeds University in the United Kingdom. He too holds an MSc and BSc in forestry from the universities of Stellenbosch (SA) and Copperbelt (Zambia) respectively.
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Pascal Martin Kinyage
Consultant, Tanzania

Pascal Martin Kinyage
Consultant, Tanzania
Pascal (Tanzanian), holds double Masters in Entrepreneurship and Business Administration from Eastern and Southern African Management Institute- ESAMI. He too holds a Bachelors Degree in Community Development-Community Development-Institute of Community Development Arusha.
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Mark David Mwine
Consultant, Uganda

Mark David Mwine
Consultant, Uganda
Mark (Ugandan) holds a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) majoring in Small and Micro Enterprises from Makerere University Business School, Makerere University Kampala and a Bachelor of Arts Social Sciences (Majoring in Political Science and Public Administration).
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Lansen Wedroughs Chikopa
Consultant, Malawi

Lansen Wedroughs Chikopa
Consultant, Malawi
Lansen has over 18 years in project needs assessment, planning,implementation, monitoring and evaluation and financial management.
He is experienced in staff and community capacity building, food security, sustainable livelihoods, natural resources management, sustainable energy, income generation and climate change adaptation. He is skilled in research using both participatory and quantitative methodologies. Lansen has worked with communities at grassroots level including women and youth.
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Thomas Obiero

Thomas Obiero
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Our Clients
Agile Africa consultants have occupied privileged positions in providing a set of procedural solutions matched to the government, private sector and NGOs, and at all levels of management. We are also the consultants hired by other consultants, and have also worked in partnership with donor-funded projects to undertake key management or technical functions that fall outside the ambit of their competence.

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