Agile blog

Who is Agile Consulting

Agile Consulting is a consortium of professionals drawn mainly from water, environmental science, environmental economics, agriculture, health, agribusiness, economics, enterprise, program management and social development.

They posses a track record in various expert areas ranging from developing organizational capacity, restructuring organizations/enterprises, developing entrepreneurial skills, attitudes and practice, agricultural innovations and value chains, training, business development services, project planning and managing, due diligence and business planning, organizational assessment and strategic planning, project reviews, baseline studies, environmental impact studies, Monitoring, Evaluation and Research (MER), proposal development as well as cross cutting issues like climatic change, livelihoods and poverty alleviation, HIV/ AIDS, gender and youth, and the environment.

The capacity of the consulting team to deliver is also vested in developed, tested and branded tools in project work including, Environmental Impact Assessment and Audit Tools, Business Diagnostic Tools and Financial Reporting Template for grain and other produce aggregators, Strategic Planning Framework; Organizational Capacity Assessment, Project Cycle Management, Trainer’s Guide and Project Evaluation Guides.

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Organizational Development

Organizational Development: Acting alone and through consortiums, the firm has undertaken and facilitated organizational capacity development for a wide range of organizations,(e.g. USAID KAVES Institutional Strengthening for 20 producer groups in Tharaka Nithi, Meru,Kitui, Makueni and Machakos counties