As an environmental scientist, Felix has made considerable contribution in the commercialization of non-timber forest products. While at the UNCCD/Foundation for Sustainable Development, Wageningen, the Netherlands, he contacted a baseline study for mapping, assessment and valuation of ecosystem services in Zambia, Tanzania and South Africa- involving identifying key ecosystem services. While at the Nature Conservation Research Centre, Accra, Ghana Organization, he contacted a baseline study on the implications of large-scale development on illegal export of hardwood timber to China
Felix has worked with the WWF Southern Africa; where he assessed the potential of payment for ecosystem services in Miombo region. He was further engaged in conducting a mid-term review of the poverty reduction and environmental management project among whose objectives was the promoting bee keeping (apiculture) as a strategy for improving livelihoods and improving forest management.
He is an excellent writer has published widely in the areas of biodiversity, natural resources, livelihoods and rural communities; Floristic composition, species diversity and carbon storage in charcoal and agriculture fallows and management implications in Miombo woodlands of Zambia; and Challenges and opportunities for carbon management in Malawi and Zambia; to mention a few. While lecturing at Copperbelt University in Zambia he won a research grant to determine the Poverty – Ecosystem Relationships on the Copperbelt Area of Zambia – An Ecological and Socio-economic Analysis of the Human – Environment Nexus.
His recent works include evaluation of the potential of bee-keeping in alleviating poverty in Kapiri-Mposhi district; on behalf of the Government of Zambia; mapping and assessment of ecosystem services in South Africa, Zambia and Tanzania; baseline study on the Implications of large-scale development projects on illegal hardwood timber exports to China.