Agile blog

Project planning; Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning and Accountability (MEAL) systems development

The firm has supported project planning from the point of need assessment, evaluation design, MEAL system development, project implementation to impact evaluation.

We have expertise knowledge in identifying need, integrating theoretical underpinnings to development of a sound theory of change, logical and results framework which form the base for a comprehensive and sensitive MEAL system. This supports development of projects that are responsive to the needs of the target groups and whose results are measurable.

Key accomplishments for Agile in this areas has been the development of MEAL systems for over 15 organizations in Eastern and Western Africa

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Organizational Development

Organizational Development: Acting alone and through consortiums, the firm has undertaken and facilitated organizational capacity development for a wide range of organizations,(e.g. USAID KAVES Institutional Strengthening for 20 producer groups in Tharaka Nithi, Meru,Kitui, Makueni and Machakos counties

Our Expertise

Agile Consulting is a consortium of professionals drawn mainly from water, environmental science, environmental economics, agriculture, health, agribusiness, economics, enterprise, program management and social development.